
职 称:






l 先进金属材料的设计、表征及应用;

l 纳米材料与纳米力学

l 表面改性

l 多尺度计算机模拟


l 2004.6-2007.6               304永利集团官网入口讲师

l 2007.6-2011.12              304永利集团官网入口副教授、博导

l 2011.12-至今 304永利集团官网入口教授、博导

l 2001.9-2002.2                荷兰埃因霍温大学访问

l 2010.7-2010.10               香港城市大学访问教授工作经历一


l 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划, 主持,2007年

l 介观异质单元的应力应变调控效应及界面特性表征,2010CB631002,973科学基础研发项目子课题,2010.1-2014.12

l 纳米金属材料蠕变行为的跨尺度和多尺度效应及主控变形机制的研究, 51471131,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,2015.1-2018.12

l 跨尺度和多尺度效应作用下纳米多晶金属的蠕变行为及其主控机制的研究, 20120201110001,教育部博导类基金,主持,2013.1-2015.12

l 内、外双尺度交互作用下金属塑性变形机制研究, 51171141,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,2012.1-2015.12

l 金属薄膜的室温压痕蠕变性能及其尺寸效应研究, 50501019,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,2006.1-2006.12

l 电子薄膜多场耦合失效的可靠性评价与检测装, 2006K06-G16, 陕西省科学技术攻关项目,主持,2006.1-2008.12

l 单层及多层石墨烯的制备及若干相关物理特性的研究, XA-AM-201001,西安市应用材料公关项目,主持,2007.1-2009.12

l ……


黄平,教授(三级),博士生导师,入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2007年)。2004年于材料科学与工程学院获工学博士学位(304永利集团官网入口)。主要从事先进薄膜材料制备基础理论、工艺技术与应用开发研究,纳米力学及生物材料。先后主持和参加科研项目10项余项,主要包括:国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,青年基金1项、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划1项等。授权国家发明专利在包括Acta Materialia, International Journal of Plasticity, Applied Physics Letters, Scientific Reports, Materials & Design, Scripta Materialia, APL Materials等国际著名期刊上发表及已接收论文70余篇,其中SCI收录60篇,SCI他引547篇次,单篇SCI他引最高73次。SCI论文的H指数为14。近年来的主要文章有:


l J. Zhao, F. Wang, P. Huang*, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu, Unusual annealing effects on hardness and strain rate sensitivity of nanocrystalline Nb, Thin Solid Films, 2018, 645: 146-153, (SCI: WOS: 000418305200024 影响因子1.879).

l Y. Cui, Y. Shibutani, P. Huang*, F. Wang, Interface-related shear banding deformation of CuZr/Cu nanolaminates by molecular dynamics simulations, Materials Transactions, 2018(Accepted)(SCI:影响因子0.713).

l Q. Zhou, J. Wang, A. Misra, P. Huang, F. Wang, KW Xu, Dislocation interation induced structural instability in intermetallic Al2Cu, NPJ Computational Materials, 2017, 2: 1-7.

l F. Xue, P. Huang, M.B. Liu, K. W. Xu, F. Wang, T. J. Lu, Unusual strain rate sensitivity of nanoscale amorphous CuZr/crystalline Cu multilayers, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017, 684:84-89. (SCI: WOS: 000393938300010 影响因子3.094).

l Q. Zhou, P. Huang, M.B. Liu, F. Wang, K.W. Xu, T.J. Lu, Grain and interface boundaries governed strengthening mechanisms in metallic multilayers, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 698: 906-912. (SCI: WOS: 000393586300110 影响因子3.133).

l C. Gu, P. Huang*, F. Wang, K. W. Xu, T. J. Lu, Size-dependent hardness and tensile plasticity of Ta-Zr61Cu17.5Ni10All7.5Si4nanolaminates, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 707:321-326. (SCI: WOS: 000400709800057 影响因子3.133).

l Y. Cui, Y. Shibutani, S Li, P. Huang*, F. Wang, Plastic Deformation behaviors of amorphous-Cu50Zr50/crystalline-Cu nanolaminated structures by molecular dynamics simulations, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 693: 285-290. (SCI: WOS: 000388610400036 影响因子3.133).

l C. Gu, P. Huang, M.B. Liu, K. W. Xu, F. Wang, T. J. Lu, Intrinsic size effect of CuTa/Cu nanolaminates with unequal modulation ratios, Scripta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, 2017, 130: 100-104, (SCI: WOS: 000394194200022 影响因子3.747).

l Z.Q. Chen, L. Huang, P. Huang*, K.W. Xu, F. Wang, T.J. Lu, The effects of thin coatings on the mechanical properties and resistance to annealing-induced embrittlement of bulk metallic glass, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017, 692: 67-74.(SCI: WOS: 000400718400009 影响因子3.094)

l Q. Zhou, J. Wang, A. Misra, P. Huang*, F. Wang, K.W. Xu, Atomistic study of fundamental character and motion of dislocations in intermetallic Al2Cu, International Journal of Plasticity, 2016, 87: 100-113. (SCI: WOS: 00038752910000 影响因子5.702).

l Z. Q. Chen, P. Huang, K. W. Xu, F. Wang, T. J. Lu, β relaxation related bright bands in thin film metallic glasses: localized percolation of flow units captured via transmission electron microscope, Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 109: 261903, (SCI: WOS: 000392834000013 影响因子3.411).

l Z. Q Chen, L. Huang, P. Huang*, K.W. Xu, F. Wang, T.J. Lu, Clarification on shear transformation zone size and its correlation with plasticity for Zr-based bulk metallic glass in different structural states, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 677: 349-355. (SCI: WOS: 000386986100038 影响因子3.094).

l Z. Q Chen, L. Huang, F. Wang, P. Huang*, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu, Suppression of annealing-induced embrittlement in bulk metallic glass by surface crystalline coating, Materials & Design, 2016, 109: 179-185. (SCI: WOS: 000384105000019 影响因子4.364).

l T. Guo, P. Huang*, K. W. Xu, F. Wang, T. J. Lu, Solid solution effects on hardness and strain rate sensitivity of nanocrystalline NiFe alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 676: 501-505. (SCI: WOS: 000384853000057 影响因子3.094).

l Q. Zhou, S. Li, P. Huang*, K. W. Xu, F. Wang, T. J. Lu, Strengthening mechanism of super-hard nanoscale Cu/Al multilayers with negative enthalpy of mixing, APL Materials, 2016, 4: 096102. (SCI: WOS: 000385550900015 影响因子4.335).

l Q. Zhou, Y. Li, F. Wang, P. Huang*, T. J. Lu, K. W. Xu, Length-scale-dependent deformation behavior of fcc/hcp Cu/Ru multilayer thin films, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 667: 206-214. (SCI: WOS: 000378183800025 影响因子3.094).

l Y. Cui, O. Torrents Abad, F. Wang, P. Huang*, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu, J. Wang, Plastic Deformation Modes of CuZr/Cu Multilayers, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 23306. (SCI: WOS: 000372144900001 影响因子4.259).

l C. Gu, F. Wang, P. Huang*, K.W. Xu, T.J. Lu, Structure-dependent size effects in CuTa/Cu nanolaminates, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 658: 381-388. (SCI: WOS: 000372560800044 影响因子3.094).

l F Xue, F. Wang, P. Huang*, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu, Structural inhomogeneity and strain rate dependent indentation size effect in Zr-based metallic glass, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 655: 373-378. (SCI: WOS: 000370103000044 影响因子3.094).

l Q. Zhou, J.J. Li, F. Wang, P. Huang*, K.W. Xu, T.J. Lu, Strain rate sensitivity of Cu/Ta multilayered films: Comparison between grain boundary and heterophase interface, Scripta Materialia, 2016, 111: 123-126, (SCI: WOS: 000364253400027 影响因子3.747).

l C. Gu, F. Wang, P. Huang*, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu, Effects of Cu layers on the deformation behavior of CuTa/Cu multilayer thin films, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 649: 9-17, (SCI: WOS: 000364796400002 影响因子3.094).

l C.F. Ma, F. Wang, P. Huang*, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu, Hillock growth in CuZr metallic glass, Thin Solid Films, 2015, 589: 681-685, (SCI: WOS: 000360320000107 影响因子1.879).

l C. Gu, F. Wang, P. Huang*, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu, Altering strength and plastic deformation behavior via alloying and laminated structure in nanocrystalline metals, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015, 640: 24-32, (SCI: WOS: 000358626600003影响因子3.094).

l Y. Cui, P. Huang*, F. Wang, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu, The hardness and related deformation mechanisms in nanoscale crystalline-amorphous multilayers, Thin Solid Films, 2015, 584: 270-276, (SCI: WOS: 000353813100050 影响因子1.879).

l Q. Zhou, J. Zhao, J.Y. Xie, F. Wang, P. Huang*, T.J. Lu, K.W Xu, Grain size dependent strain rate sensitivity in nanocrystalline body-centered cubic metal thin films, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2014, 608: 184-189, (SCI: WOS: 000338404800024 影响因子3.094).

l Q. Zhou, F. Wang, P. Huang*, K.W. Xu, Strain rate sensitivity and related plastic deformation mechanism transition in nanoscale Ag/W multilayers, Thin Solid Films, 2014, 571: 253-259, (SCI: WOS: 000346054600003 影响因子1.761).

l Z.Q. Chen, F. Wang, P. Huang*, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu, Low-Temperature Annealing Induced Amorphization in Nanocrystalline NiW Alloy Films, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2013, Article ID: 252965, (SCI: WOS: 000324938600001 影响因子1.871).

l J. Zhao, F. Wang, P. Huang*, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu, Depth dependent strain rate sensitivity and inverse indentation size effect of hardness in body-centered cubic nanocrystalline metals, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2014, 615: 87-91, (SCI: WOS: 000343336400011 影响因子3.094).

l H. T. Gao, M. Zhang, X. Yang, P. Huang, K.W. Xu, Effect of Na2SiO3 solution concentration of micro-arc oxidation process on lap-shear strength of adhesive-bonded magnesium alloys,  Applied Surface Science, 2014, 314: 447-452. (SCI: WOS: 000341464100060 影响因子3.387).

l J.Y. Xie, P. Huang*, F. Wang, Y. Li, K.W. Xu, Shear banding behavior in nanoscale Al/W multilayers, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2013, 228: S593-S596, (SCI: WOS: 000323628400128 影响因子2.589).

l F. Wang, B. Li, T. T. Gao, P. Huang*, K.W. Xu, T.J. Lu, Activation volume and strain rate sensitivity in plastic deformation of nanocrystalline Ti, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2013, 228: S254-S256, (SCI: WOS: 000323628400056 影响因子2.589).

l F. Wang, J.M. Li, P. Huang*, W. Wang, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu, Nanoscale creep deformation in Zr-based metallic glass, Intermetallics, 2013, 38: 156-160, (SCI: WOS: 000318468000024 影响因子3.140).

l F. Wang, L.F. Zhang, P. Huang*, J.Y. Xie, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu, Microstructure and Flow Stress of Nanoscale Cu/Nb Multilayers, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2013, Article ID: 912548, (SCI: WOS: 000320531100001 影响因子1.871).

l F. Wang, J. Zhao, P. Huang*, A.S. Schneider, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu, Effects of Free Surface and Heterogeneous Residual Internal Stress on Stress-Driven Grain Growth in Nanocrystalline Metals, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2013, Article ID: 934986, (SCI: WOS: 000324946800001 影响因子1.871).

l J.Y. Xie, F. Wang, P. Huang*, T.J. Lu, L.F. Zhang, K.W. Xu, Structure Transformation and Coherent Interface in Large Lattice-Mismatched Nanoscale Multilayers, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2013, Article ID: 959738, (SCI: WOS: 000321848500001影响因子1.871).

l P. Huang*, F. Wang, M. Xu, T. J. Lu, K. W. Xu, Strain rate sensitivity of unequal grained nano-multilayers, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2011, 528: 5908-5013, (SCI: WOS: 000292170200036 影响因子3.094).

l F. Wang, P. Huang, M Xu, T.J. Lu, K.W. Xu, Shear banding deformation in Cu/Ta nano-multilayers, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2011, 528: 7290-7294, (SCI: WOS: 000294091900023 影响因子3.094).

l P. Huang, F. Wang, M. Xu, K. W. Xu, T. J. Lu, Dependence of strain rate sensitivity upon deformed microstructures in nanocrystalline Cu, Acta Materialia, 2010, 58: 5196-5205, (SCI: WOS: 000280570500028 影响因子5.301).

l P. Huang, G. Q. Dai, F. Wang, K. W. Xu, Y. H. Li, Fivefold annealing twin in nanocrystalline Cu, Applied physics letters, 2009, 95: 203101, (SCI: WOS: 000272052200048 影响因子3.411) .

l F. Wang, P. Huang, T.J. Lu, Surface-effect territory in small volume creep deformation, Journal of Materials Research, 2009, 24: 3277-3285, (SCI: WOS: 000271352200003 影响因子1.673).

l F. Wang, P. Huang, K.W. Xu, Time dependent plasticity at real nanoscale deformation, Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 90: 161921, (SCI: WOS: 000245870400052 影响因子3.411).

l F. Wang, P. Huang, K.W. Xu, Strain rate sensitivity of nanoindentation creep in polycrystalline Al film on silicon substrate, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2007, 201: 5216-5218, (SCI: WOS: 000246509400094 影响因子2.589).

l F. Wang, P. Huang, K.W. Xu, Y. Han, Mechanical properties of titania prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation at different voltages, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2007, 201: 5168-5171, (SCI: WOS: 000246509400083 影响因子2.589).


l T. Guo, F. Wang, P. Huang, Effects of Strain gradient across the amorphous-crystalline interface on the hardness and strain rate sensitivity of dual-phase nanostructuring, The 6th International Conference on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering, 2017/10/26-2017/10/29, 日本东京, 分组报告

l C.F. Ma, F. Wang, P. Huang, Enhanced Shear Banding Behavior in Metallic Glass Film with Structure Relaxation, The 6th International Conference on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering, 2017/10/26-2017/10/29, 日本东京, 分组报告

l J. Zhao, F. Wang, P. Huang, Indentation size effect and loading strain rate dependence on creep deformation in nanocrystalline Mo, 2017 7th International Conference on Key Engineering Materials, 2017/3/11-2017/3/13, 马来西亚槟城,分组报告

l S. Li, F. Wang, P. Huang, The effects of amorphous/ amorphous interface on the deformation mode transition, 2017 7th International Conference on Key Engineering Materials, 2017/3/11-2017/3/13, 马来西亚槟城,分组报告

l Z.Q. Chen, Wang F, Huang P, Plasticity enhancement and the elevated resistance of annealing-induced embrittlement in bulk metallic glass by surface coating with crystalline W films, The 23rd International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and
Nanostructured Materials,
2016/7/3-2016/7/8, 日本奈良, 分组报告

l L.L. Miao, F. Wang, P. Huang, Microstructure evolution of amorphous ZrCuNiAlSi/Ag composite, The 2014World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental & Materials Research, 2014/8/24-2014/8/28, 韩国釜山, 分组报告

l Y. Cui, F. Wang, P. Huang, Length-scale dependent weakening and strengthening effects in nanoscale, The 7th International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films crystalline-amorphous multilayer & Surface Coatings, 2014/7/15-2014/7/18, 中国成都,分组报告

l Z.Q. Chen, F. Wang, P. Huang , Low temperature annealing induced amorphization and its effects on mechanical properties in nanocrystalline NiW films The 7th International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings, 2014/7/15-2014/7/18, 中国成都,分组报告

l 赵婧,王飞,黄平, Creep deformation mechanism of nanocrystalline body-centered cubic metals 2013国际先进材料大会, 2013/9/22-2013/9/28, 2013/9/22, 中国青岛,分组报告

l 石晓燕, 王飞, 黄平, Effect of stacking fault energy on mechanical properties in nanocrystalline Cu and CU-Al alloy, 2013国际先进材料大会, 2013/9/22-2013/9/28, 中国青岛,分组报告

l 苗蕾蕾,王飞,黄平, Hardness and strain rate sensitivity of nanoscale metallic-glass/crystalline multilayers, 2013国际先进材料大会, 2013/9/22-2013/9/28, 中国青岛, 分组报告

l F. Xue, F. Wang, P. Huang, Length-scale- and strain-rate-dependent shear banding deformation in nanoscale amorphous/crystalline multilayers Nanoscale Multilayers, 2013, 2013/10/1-2013/10/4, 西班牙马德里, 分组报告,

l Y. Li, F. Wang, P. Huang, Length scale and strain rate dependent shear banding deformation in nanoscale Cu/W multilayersThe 2013 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2013/9/8-2013/9/12, 韩国济州岛, 分组报告。


l 黄平,王飞,徐可为,一种测试金属薄膜室温蠕变性能的方法,专利号ZL200510124587.8,授权日期:2009年7月8日

l 黄平,许明,王飞,徐可为 ,具有晶粒尺寸差异的Cu/Ta 纳米多层膜的制备方法,专利号: ZL 2009 1 0219558.8,授权日期:2011年11月16日

l 黄平,戴广乾,王飞、徐可为,一种同质多层纳米金属薄膜材料的制备方法,专利号: ZL 2009 1 0219553.5,授权日期:2012年7月4日

l 王飞,黄平,卢天健,徐可为,力/热/电/磁多场耦合下测试金属薄膜失效行为的装置,专利号: ZL 2010 1 0572438.9,授权日期:2013年2月6日

l 黄平,谢继阳,王飞,乐薇,徐可为,一种共格/半共格结构的Al/W多层薄膜制备方法,专利号: ZL 2011 1 0340169.8,授权日期:2013年7月10日

l 黄平,王飞,李家梅,徐可为,一种采用共溅射法制备非晶-纳米晶复合薄膜的方法,专利号: ZL 2013 1 0126019.6,授权日期:2015年8月26日

l 王飞,黄平,王文龙,一种制备非晶/纳米晶多层结构薄膜的方法,专利号: ZL 2012 1 0419017.1,授权日期:2015年1月7日

l 黄平,王飞,陈自强,徐可为,i中采用低温退火制备非晶NiW合金薄膜的方法,专利号: ZL 2013 1 0563319.0,授权日期:2016年2月24日

l 王飞,周青,黄平,徐可为,一种控制金属纳米Cu/Ru多层膜相结构的方法,专利号: ZL 2015 1 0043957.9,授权日期:2017年2月1日

l 黄平,周青,王飞,徐可为,一种评价Cu系金属纳米多层膜材料附着性能的方法,专利号: ZL 2015 1 0044188.4,授权日期:2017年6月6日

l 黄平,周青,王飞,徐可为,一种塑性金属纳米Cu/Ru多层膜的制备方法,专利号: ZL 2015 1 0044189.9,授权日期:2017年4月26日